Stomach Rescue aids to relieve poor digestion, lack of appetite, gastric issues, nausea and vomiting, and stomach pain.
In combination with this formula: if stomach is cold, drink hot ginger tea; if stomach pain, drink mugwort tea; if you have a stomach virus, take one teaspoon vinegar.
Adult Serving: 4-8 capsules a day. May mix capsule contents with small amount of water or soft food (such as applesauce). Note: 4 capsules equal 1 teaspoon powder.
Ingredients: citri exocarpium, aurantii frucus immaturus, crataegi fructus, gardeniae fructus, hordei fructus germinatus, platycodonis radix, saussuyeae radix, atractylodis ovatae rhizoma, cyperi rhizoma, coptidis rhizoma, pinelliae tuber, pogostemi herba.
Size: 100 capsules per bottle. Also available in 5 ounce powder in jar. Mix in small amount of water or soft food. Produced by TaiChi People Herb Co, LLC in USA.
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